Sunday, August 19, 2012

When it all falls down

I have a secret. It’s not nice but it’s the truth. I have been in a weight loss stall for 3 months. It hurts my very substance because I enjoyed seeing the scale go down. However, in times of difficulty one must dig deeper and push through. I won’t lie and say I haven’t been disheartened. I have cried, thrown stuff and felt like screw it I just will stay fat. Stalls aren’t very great on the psyche because if you really are pushing and going with all your might it will be discouraging.
                However, even though the scale doesn’t’ move you can’t quit. When it all feels like for not and you feel that everything has fallen down you have to ask your self :Do I really want this. Once you dig deeper you may still not get immediate changes. Moreover, it still may take some time to see a difference on the scale. This is the time to re-evaluate your goal and your current body state.  At times our bodies, which are beautifully complex, don’t desire to go any lower.  At other times it’s discovered we haven’t been as diligent in our journeys as we thought. 
                Weight loss slumps at times can be easily remedied by closely monitoring what we are eating and how we are working out. For instance, I have been one who has under ate and lost 70lbs.  However, the body will only allow this for so long.  We must fuel our bodies properly in order to not wreak havoc on our bodies. So now I’m upping the calories a bit and will have to take some time to see if this will correct the problem. Another suggestion could be to change your training plan up. The plan you used starting out will not be good for the whole process especially if you have great amounts to lose. Every 6-8 weeks one should change the plan in order to keep the body from getting a bit to accustomed to your routine. That goes for food as well. Life has spice so spice it up a bit in your weight loss journey.

                No matter how hard the journey feels we can’t give into our feelings. They are fickle and ever changing like the wind. We have to stand firm on our goal. You have to know you are a champ in the making and that you must keep fighting. We must remember if we stop we only hurt ourselves and we will have to start over.  I don’t want to start over so I will keep lacing up my running shoes and keep working. Until next time,remember to stay beauitful as you are a fitness beauty!

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