Tuesday, July 31, 2012

I do it because I love it!

We all have been there its 6pm on a work night. You’re tired, cranky and stuck in traffic. I don’t know if I’m alone but the last thing on my mind is going to the gym and running. However when you love yourself you will do things that are seemingly hard. Think back to when you were little. Your mom and dad or whoever raised you sacrificed because they loved you. A many of tired mornings and working jobs that they hated in order to provide. In the same sense, we must do the hard things in order to love ourselves. At times it may mean taking a rest day, drinking water when we would rather drink a cup of coffee, or going to the gym when you would rather go home. Love will make you push hard.

During the journey, you have to have self-love. It’s the driving force that won’t let you beat yourself up if you slip but the drive to not continue making the same mistakes. Self-love isn’t vain nor is it about buying things. Self-love is respect for yourself and understanding. The journey will not always be easy nor will it always show instant gratification. However, with love you will be able to build your endurance thus creating great character. That character won’t just be in the form of a great body but also an increase of self-confidence that you can take on the world and rock it!

Until next time Fitness Beauties, be great and allow your glow to show!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Discipline makes Champions

On days when I want to go home and just chill out,I have to remember I'm training not for swimsuit season but for the rest of my life. Working out is vital to one’s health. We all should strive to be the best we can possible be. Working out has to be important to you for you to make it a priority. Many times, we want the results but are not willing to put in the work to get there. 

We all have a million things to do, however unless you make yourself important you will not be able to be excellent in all you do. I had to undertake that thought process in my own life. I give 8 hours plus on a job for people who may not ever appreciate my efforts,therefore it would be insane of me not to invest at least 1 hour 4 times a week to ensure I'm in tip top shape physically.

In my research, top athletes train with the end in mind. Whatever their sport is they train for the victory in mind. For instance, as the Olympics are coming underway, athletes have trained for countless hours in order to be ready to go for the gold. What makes the distinction in winners is the drive to train no matter if it is an off day. In those seemingly bad days, the person who workouts and trains hard will grow by leaps and bounds.

The work you put into today will build for a brighter tomorrow. Fitness success builds one’s self worth up thus this will travel into other areas of your life. You are already great champion just because your on this planet, but you deserve to be even greater. Until next time, continue to be the greatest Fitness Beauty!

Who is the Fitness Beauty

By definition, the word fitness is defined by Webster as the quality or state of being fit. On the same accord the word beauty is define per Webster as a particularly graceful, ornamental, or excellent quality. So in other words the Fitness Beauty is one who is fit yet is graceful and excellent. 

I started this blog to document the growth of my fitness journey. My journey thus far has not been the easiest but it is definitely has been life altering. My focus is to motivate, educate, and push you to new heights in your journey no matter where you are. This blog is for you if : your just starting out on your fitness journey, you have hit a plateau and feel like quitting or you are in need of a motivational pick-me-up to go to the next level.

This is just the beginning of something beautiful! Until next time, be the Fitness Beauty, you only can be.